A South Dakotan for South Dakotans.

Landowners’ Rights

The recent South Dakota Supreme Court decision to classify carbon capture pipelines completely redefines the conversation about SD’s most controversial pipeline. Companies deserve a fair hearing, but landowners deserve to have all the information. This fall, the voters will decide on the future of landowner rights, and I support the decision of the legislature to revisit SB 201 with more information and more time to develop a law that works for South Dakotans.

Coverage for Farmers

South Dakota is falling behind in how we protect our most valued industry. Every year, we hear more stories about bankrupt grain elevators and seed selling scams. Without the coverage of neighboring states, our farmers get stuck with the bill. Agriculture will remain a staple of South Dakota’s diverse economy as long as we have to courage to protect farmers from predatory and negligent practices. As your public utilities commissioner, I will work with the legislature to establish a reliable fund to protect farmers from negligent practices in grain warehouses around the state.

Protecting Emergency Services

South Dakotans should not get used to outages in our emergency services lines. The repeated failures brought on by outsourcing the state’s responsibility has cost taxpayers money. More importantly, these outages are dangerous. I will work to bring emergency services back to SD, ensuring consistent, reliable coverage for one of our most important resources.